Next change in the interest rates Clear Deal
From 2 June 2014 the rate at czech crown term deposits is going to reduce to individuals by 0.2 percentage points and 0.3 percentage points for legal entities and entrepreneurs.
From 4 August 2014 rates on deposits with a 3 month notice period turn of 1.65% p.a. for individuals, respectively 1.50% per annum for legal entities and entrepreneurs.
From 12 May 2014 will also reduce rates in euro term deposits for individuals by 0.2 percentage points (deposits for one or two years), respectively by 0.5 percentage points in the five-year deposit.
You can find all the changes in the interest rates in the table below.The interest rates on term deposits (TV) and deposits with a 3 month notice period (3M vklad) for individuals are shown in the first part of the table. The next part represents the interest rate on term deposits for individuals in EUR. And the interest rates on term deposits and deposits with a 3 month notice period for legal entities and entrepreneurs are in the last part.
Roční TV = one-year term deposit, dvouletý TV = two-year term deposit, pětiletý TV = five-year term deposit
The interest rate on subordinated deposits is unchanged and remains at 5.1% p.a.